disorder_actions - DisOrder CGI actions

       The  primary  CGI  parameter  to  the DisOrder web interface is action.
       This determines which of a set of actions from the list below  it  car-
       ries out.

       For  any  action  ACTION  not in the list, the CGI expands the template

       If no action is set, then the default is playing, unless the argument c
       is  present,  in which case it is confirm.  This is a hack to keep con-
       firmation URLs short.

       Actions in the list below that do not  documented  what  template  they
       expand  issue an HTTP redirect according to the value of the back argu-
       ment.  There are three possibilities:

       1)     back is a URL.  The browser is redirected to that URL.

       2)     back is an action name.  The browser  is  redirected  to  a  URL
              which uses that action.

       3)     back is not set.  The browser is redirected to the front page.

       If  an  action  needs more rights than the logged-in user has then they
       are redirected to login with back set to retry the action they wanted.

       Certain errors cause a redirection to error with @error set.

              Confirm a user registration using the nonce supplied  in  c  and
              expands  login.tmpl  with  status or @error set according to the

              Disables play.

              Edit user details using username,  changepassword1,  changepass-
              word2 and email and expands login.tmpl with status or @error set
              according to the result.

       enable Enables play.

       login  If username  and  password  are  set  (and  the  username  isn't
              "guest")  then  attempt  to  log in using those credentials.  On
              success, redirects to the back argument if that is set, or  just
              expands login.tmpl otherwise, with @status set to loginok.

              If they aren't set then just expands login.tmpl.

       logout Logs  out the current user and expands login.tmpl with status or
              @error set according to the result.

       manage Expands playing.tmpl (NB not manage.tmpl) as  if  there  was  no
              special  'playing' action, and adds a Refresh: field to the HTTP
              header.  The maximum refresh interval is defined by  0resh  (see
              disorder_config(5))  but  may be less if the end of the track is

       move   Moves the track given by the id argument the distance  given  by
              the delta argument.  If this is positive the track is moved ear-
              lier in the queue and if negative, later.

       pause  Pauses the current track (if there is one and  it's  not  paused

       play   Play  the  track  given by the track argument, or if that is not
              set all the tracks in the directory given by the dir argument.

              Expands playing.tmpl  as  if  there  was  no  special  'playing'
              action, but adds a Refresh: field to the HTTP header.  The maxi-
              mum refresh interval is defined by  refresh  (see  disorder_con-
              fig(5)) but may be less if the end of the track is near.

       prefs  Set preferences on a number of tracks.

              The tracks to modify are specified in arguments 0_track, 1_track
              etc.  The number sequence must be contiguous and start from 0.

              For each track INDEX_track:

              .      INDEX_PART is used to set the  trackname  preference  for
                     that part.  (See parts below.)

              .      INDEX_random  if  present  enables  random  play for this
                     track or disables it if absent.

              .      INDEX_tags sets the list of tags for this track.

              .      INDEX_weight sets the weight for this track.

              parts can be set to the track name parts to modify.  The default
              is "artist album title".

              context  can  be  set  to the context to modify.  The default is

              If the server detects a preference being set to its default,  it
              removes the preference, thus keeping the database tidy.

              Disables random play.

              Enables random play.

              Register  a  new  user  using username, password1, password2 and
              email and expands login.tmpl with status or @error set according
              to the result.

              Issue  an  email  password  reminder  to  username  and  expands
              login.tmpl with status or @error set according to the result.

       remove Removes the track given by the id argument.  If this is the cur-
              rently playing track then it is scratched.

       resume Resumes the current track (if there is one and it's paused).

       volume If  the  delta  argument  is  set:  adjust both channels by that
              amount (up if positive, down if negative).

              Otherwise if left and right are set, set the  channels  indepen-
              dently to those values.

       disorder_templates(5), disorder_config(5), disorder.cgi(8)