nps(1)                                                                  nps(1)

       nps - list processes


       nps  writes  a  snapshot  of information about processes running on the

       All LIST options consists of elements separated by spaces or commas.

   Selecting Processes
       These options select which processes to display.

       -a     Select processes which have a controlling terminal.

       -A, -e, --all
              Select all processes.

       --ancestor LIST
              Select all the processes with an ancestor in LIST.

       -C NAME, --command NAME
              Select processes by name.

              Equivalent to comm=:NAME (see MATCH EXPRESSIONS below).

       -d     Select all processes that are not session leaders.

       -g LIST
              Select all processes whose sessions are in LIST.

       --group LIST
              Select all processes whose effective group ID  is  in  LIST  (by
              name or number).

       -G LIST, --real-group LIST, --Group LIST
              Select  all processes whose real group ID is in LIST (by name or

       -p LIST, --pid LIST
              Select all the processes in LIST.

       --ppid LIST
              Select all the processes in whose parent is in LIST.

       -t LIST, --tty LIST
              Select all the processes  whose  controlling  terminals  are  in
              LIST.   Terminal  names may be abbreviated by ommitting the ini‐
              tial /dev.

       -u LIST, --user LIST
              Select all the processes whose effective user ID is in LIST  (by
              name or number).

       -U LIST, --real-user LIST, --User LIST
              Select  all the processes whose real user ID is in LIST (by name
              or number).

       In addition, any non-option arguments are  used  to  select  processes.
       See MATCH EXPRESSIONS below.

       Process  selection  is  cumulative,  i.e. if multiple process selection
       options are given then any process which is selected by at least one of
       them  is  selected.   If  no selection options are given then only pro‐
       cesses that share an  effective  UID  and  terminal  with  the  current
       process are selected.

       These options determine how the output is formatted.

       --csv  Set CSV format output.  See CSV OUTPUT below.

       -f, --full
              Set the "full" output format.

       -l, --long
              Set the "long" output format.

       -H, --forest
              Hierarchical display.

       -o FORMAT, -O FORMAT, --format FORMAT
              Set  a  specific  format.   -o uses SUS syntax, the rest use NPS
              syntax.  If multiple options are given then they are cumulative.
              See FORMATTING below.

       -w     Don't  truncate  output.   Normally  when writing to a terminal,
              output is truncated at the terminal width.  If the output is not
              a terminal then it is never truncated.

   Other Options
       -L, --threads
              Display  threads  instead  of  processes.   If  used twice, both
              threads and processes are used.

       -n ANYTHING

       --poll SECONDS[:COUNT]
              Repeat the output every SECONDS seconds.  If a COUNT  is  speci‐
              fied then only that many repetitions are performed.

              To distinguish lines that describe the same process at different
              times, use the localtime property.

       --sort ORDER
              Set the order in which processes are listed.  See SORTING below.

       --help Display a usage message.

              Displays help for the -o option.

              Displays help for match expressions.

              Display a version string.

       Following the options may appear one or more match expressions.   These
       are  general-purpose  process  selection  options  and  come in several

       As with other process selection options, the effect  of  match  expres‐
       sions is cumulative.

   Display Match Expressions
       These  match  expressions  match  the  value exactly as displayed.  For
       numeric properties, this  isn't  usually  very  useful.   For  example,
       rss=1048576  will  never  match,  because  it will always be 1M in that

       The first is PROPERTY=VALUE and matches  only  if  the  named  property
       exactly matches the given value.  For instance, comm=kvm can be used to
       match kvm processes only.

       The second is PROPERTY~REGEXP and matches if the named property matches
       the extended POSIX regexp.  For instance args~dbus will match dbus-dae‐
       mon, dbus-launch, etc.

   Value Match Expressions
       These match expressions match the value as represented internally, with
       the following consequences:

       ·      Numbers  are  given  their  exact value, rather than rounding to
              kilobytes, megabytes,  etc.   For  instance,  rss==1048576  will
              match processes with an RSS of exactly one megabyte.

       ·      Terminal paths are not abbreviated.

       ·      Times are represented as second counts.

       The  possible  match  expressions  are PROPERTY<VALUE, PROPERTY<=VALUE,
       PROPERTY>VALUE,  PROPERTY>=VALUE  for   ordering   comparisons,   PROP‐
       ERTY==VALUE to test for equality and PROPERTY<>VALUE or PROPERTY!=VALUE
       to test for inequality.

       In all cases, numbers are compared as numbers and strings are  compared
       lexicographically.   Where the VALUE is a number, it may be represented
       in hex (using a 0x prefix) or octal (using a  0  prefix)  and  suffixed
       with  K,  M,  G, T or P to represent kilobytes up to petabytes, or p to
       represent pages.  (This is possible even when it doesn't make  a  great
       deal of sense, e.g. pid<1K.)

       For  example,  to  list processes with an RSS of at least one megabyte,
       you might use:

              nps -o user,pid,rss,tty,comm 'rss>=1M'

       Since value match expressions include shell metacharacters, some  shell
       quoting may be required.

       In order to distinguish between (for instance) == and = where the first
       character of the VALUE is an = sign, any match operator may be followed
       by  a  single :.  When the value is a shell variable it is advisable to
       always include the colon, for example:

              nps -o user,pid,rss,tty,comm "comm=:${COMMAND}"

       The -o, -O and --format options specify a list of process properties to
       display, separated by spaces or commas.  The available properties are:

       addr   The current instruction pointer (hex).

       args   Command  line.   If these cannot be determined then the value of
              comm is used, in square brackets.

              This corresponds to the argv array passed to main; for a  script
              the  first  element  will be the name of the interpreter and the
              second element the name of the script.

              Requested widths are mandatory for args.

              Exactly the same as args but with the directory part of the com‐
              mand included.

       comm   Program  filename.   This  corresponds  to the first argument to
              execve(3); for a script it is the basename of  the  script,  not
              the name of the interpreter.

              Requested widths are mandatory for comm.

       etime  Time  elapsed  since  the  process  started.  See Time Intervals
              below for more information

       flags  Flags word from the kernel (octal).  You will need a copy of the
              kernel sources to be able to interpret this.

              If  an  argument  is  supplied  it should be o, x, X or d to for
              octal, hex, hex (with upper case letters) or decimal.

       fsgid  Filesystem group ID (decimal)

              Filesystem group ID as a string.

       fsuid  Filesystem user ID (decimal)

       fsuser Filesystem user ID as a string.

       gid    Effective group ID (decimal).

       group  Effective group ID as a string.  If the group name will not  fit
              into the requested width, the numeric ID will be used instead.

       io     IO  rate.   This is the sum of read and write.  See Memory below
              for argument syntax.

              The time at which process information  was  gathered.   This  is
              independent  of the process; it is intended for use with --poll.
              If an argument is supplied, it is passed to strftime(3) to  for‐
              mat the time.

       locked Memory locked into RAM.  See Memory below for argument syntax.

       majflt Major  fault  rate.  Major faults are page faults that require a
              page to be read from disk.  See Memory below for  argument  syn‐

       mem    The  total  memory  (resident  and swapped) used by the process.
              Equivalent to rss+swap.  See Memory below for argument syntax.

       minflt Minor fault rate.  Minor faults do not require a page to be read
              from disk.  See Memory below for argument syntax.

       nice   Nice value.  Higher values mean lower priority ("nicer").

       oom    OOM score.  Higher values mean the kernel is more likely to kill
              the process when memory runs out.

       pcomm  Parent process filename.  This is the same as comm but  for  the
              parent process.

       pcpu   CPU  usage,  as  a  percentage.   If an argument is supplied, it
              gives the number of digits to print  after  the  decimal  point.
              The default is 0.

       pgrp   Process group ID.

       pid    Process ID.

       locked Pinned memory.  See Memory below for argument syntax.

       pmem   The  total  memory  (resident  and swapped) used by the process,
              scaled down to account for sharing with other processes.  Equiv‐
              alent to pss+swap.  See Memory below for argument syntax.

       ppid   Parent process ID.

       pri    Priority.

       pss    Proportional  resident set size.  This the total RAM used by the
              process, with each page's contribution divided by the number  of
              processes it is shared with.

              Only root can read the pss of processes it doesn't own.

              See Memory below for argument syntax.

       read   Read rate.  See Memory below for argument syntax.

       rgid   Real group ID (decimal).

       rgroup Real  group ID as a string.  If the group name will not fit into
              the requested width, the numeric ID will be used instead.

       rss    Resident set size.  This the total RAM used by the process.  See
              Memory below for argument syntax.

       rsspk  Peak  resident set size.  This is the highest value that rss has
              reached in the lifetime of the process.  See  Memory  below  for
              argument syntax.

       rtprio Realtime scheduling priority.  See sched_setscheduler(2).

       ruid   Real user ID (decimal).

       ruser  Real  user  ID  as a string.  If the user name will not fit into
              the requested width, the numeric ID will be used instead.

       sched  Current  scheduling  policy.   Possible  values  corresponds  to
              SCHED_... constants:

              -      Normal scheduling policy (SCHED_NORMAL).

              FIFO (1)
                     First-in, first-out policy.

              RR (2) Round-robin policy.

              BATCH (3)
                     Batch execution.

              IDLE (5)
                     Low-priority background jobs.

              A  trailing  /-  means that the priority will be reset to normal
              when the process forks.  See also sched_setscheduler(2) and Doc‐
              umentation/sched-design-CFS.txt in the kernel source tree.

       sgid   Saved group ID (decimal)

       sgroup Saved group ID as a string.

       sid    Session ID.

              Blocked signals.

              By  default  signals are listed by name.  If there are many sig‐
              nals this can make a very  wide  column.   If  this  a  problem,
              request  a  maximum  column  size  (see  Column  Width below); a
              numeric format will be used, where necessary, instead.

              Caught signals.

              Ignored signals.

              Pending signals.

       stack  The size of the stack.  This only gives the main thread's stack.
              See Memory below for argument syntax.

       state  Process state.  The possible states are:

              R      Running.

              S      Sleeping.

              D      Disk wait.

              Z      Exited but not yet reaped (a "zombie" process).

              T      Traced or stopped due to a signal.

              W      Paging.

       stime  The  time that the process started.  If an argument is supplied,
              it is passed to strftime(3) to format the time.

       suid   Saved used ID (decimal)

       supgid Supplementary group IDs (decimal).

       supgrp Supplementary group IDs as strings.

       suser  Saved user ID as a string.

       swap   Swap used.  See Memory below for argument syntax.

              Prior to kernel 2.6.34, only root can read the swap of processes
              it doesn't own.

              The number of threads, or - a thread.

       tid    The thread ID, or - for a process.

       time   The  cumulative  CPU time used over the process's lifetime (user
              and kernel).  See Time Intervals below for more information

       tpgid  Foreground process group ID on controlling terminal.

       tty    Controlling terminal.  The leading /dev/tty or /dev is  stripped
              for compactness.

       uid    Effective user ID (decimal).

       user   Effective  user  ID  as a string.  If the user name will not fit
              into the requested width, the numeric ID will be used instead.

       vsz    Virtual memory size.  This is the total address  space  used  by
              the process.  See Memory below for argument syntax.

       vszpk  Peak  virtual  memory  size.  This is the highest value that vsz
              has reached in the lifetime of the process.   See  Memory  below
              for argument syntax.

       wchan  Wait channel.

       write  Write rate.  See Memory below for argument syntax.

       In addition the following aliases are supported:

       %cpu   Alias for pcpu.

       cmd    Alias for args.

              Alias for args.

              Alias for time.

       egid   Alias for gid.

       egroup Alias for group.

       euid   Alias for uid.

       euser  Alias for user.

       f      Alias for flags.

       flag   Alias for flags.

       lwp    An alias for thread.

       nlwp   An alias for threads.

       ni     Alias for 0

       pgrp   Alias for pgid.

       rssize Alias for rss.

       rsz    Alias for rss.

       sess   Alias for sid.

              Alias for sid.

              Alias for threads.

       tname  Alias for tty.

       tt     Alias for tty.

       vsize  Alias for vsz.

   Column Width
       By  default,  every  column  is  made  wide enough for every value that
       appears in it.

       To request a particular width  for  a  column,  use  the  syntax  PROP‐
       ERTY:WIDTH.   For  most properties, requested widths are only advisory;
       if necessary columns will be made wider to fit.  However if possible an
       alternative  representation  will  be  used to fit within the requested
       width.  For certain properties such as args requested widths are manda‐

       To  give  a property a different heading, use the syntax PROPERTY=HEAD‐
       ING.  In SUS syntax (-o) this only works on the last property in a sin‐
       gle  argument.   Use  multiple  -o options to work around this.  In NPS
       syntax (-O and all other contexts) this can be used on any  or  all  of
       the  properties  within an argument.  If the heading contains spaces or
       quotes then it must be quoted.

       To supply an argument to a property, use the syntax  PROPERTY/ARGUMENT.
       If the argument contains spaces or quotes then it must be quoted.

       Widths always come first; then headings; then arguments.

   Time Intervals
       Time intervals (such as etime) are represented as [[DD-]HH:]MM:SS, with
       DD representing the number of days, HH the number of hours, MM the num‐
       ber of minutes and SS the number of seconds.

       If  a  column  width  is requested then more compact forms may be used:
       DdHH for a multi-day time, HHhMM for a multi-hour  time  or  MMmSS  for
       sub-hours times.

       These  columns can also take a format string as an argument, overriding
       the above.  The format string consists of ordinary characters and  for‐
       mat  specifications  starting  with %.  Within the format specification
       any of the following may appear, in order, the following modifiers:

       ·      A minimum field width, as a decimal  integer.   If  this  starts
              with  a  0  then the field will be padded with zeroes; otherwise
              with spaces.  The default minimum field width is 0.

       ·      A . followed by a minimum digit count,  as  a  decimal  integer.
              The default minimum digit count is 1.

       ·      A  ?  indicating  that  the entire format specification is to be
              skipped if the value is 0.

       ·      A + followed by a single character, which will appear after  the
              converted result (provided it is not skipped due to a ?).

       At the end of the format specification is a single-character conversion

       d      The total number of days.

       h      The total number of hours.

       H      The number of hours disregarding any complete days.

       m      The total number of minutes.

       M      The number of minutes disregarding any complete hours.

       s      The total number of seconds.

       S      The number of seconds disregarding any complete minutes.

       %      Writes a single %.  All modifiers are ignored in this case.

       Timestamps (such as stime) are represented as YYYY-MM-DD for times out‐
       side  than  the  current  day and HH:MM:SS for times during the current
       day.  They are always given in the local timezone.

       If a column width is requested then more compact  forms  may  be  used:
       HH:MM for a time in this day or MM-DD for a date in this year.

       If  an  argument is supplied, it is passed to strftime(3) to format the

       rss is the resident set size of a process, i.e. the amount physical RAM
       it  is  currently  using.  However, some of that RAM may be shared with
       other processes, for instance because it is used  for  the  code  of  a
       widely used shared library.  Therefore it can be more useful to look at
       the pss figure, the proportional resident  set  size,  in  which  every
       page's contribution is divided by the number of users.

       If  you  think  you are running out of RAM and want a process to blame,
       look for high pss figures.

       vsz represents the total virtual memory  used  by  the  process.   This
       includes  RAM,  swap,  files and anonymous mappings.  Since the dynamic
       linker and some other libraries like  to  make  inaccessible  anonymous
       mappings,  this figure can be quite misleading as a measure of resource

       swap represents the amount of swap space used  by  the  process.   This
       includes  both  swapped  out pages from anonymous mappings and copy-on-
       write duplicates of pages mapped from files.  It does not include pages
       mapped from files that happen not to be in RAM at the moment.

       mem  is  the  sum  of  rss  and swap.  The same caveats apply regarding
       shared pages, so pmem, which is the sum of pss and swap, is  likely  to
       be more useful.

       The memory properties (rss etc) all support the following arguments:

       K      Display in kilobytes.

       M      Display in megabytes.

       G      Display in gigabytes.

       T      Display in terabytes.

       P      Display in petabytes.

       p      Display in pages.

       CUTOFF Display in bytes up to CUTOFF kilobytes, in kilobytes up to CUT‐
              OFF megabytes and so on up to petabytes.

       With no argument, units are selected as if CUTOFF was 1.

       The same applies to I/O rates, except that they are kilobytes per  sec‐
       onds, etc.

       The  kernel support for gathering pss was added in Linux 2.6.25 and for
       swap in 2.6.26, so if your kernel is older than that you will  not  get
       the correct figures.

       If  no  formatting  options  at  all  are specified then the default is
       equivalent to:


       The -f option is equivalent to:


       The -l option is equivalent to:


       In all cases, if -L is used, tid is added after pid.

       The --csv option modifies the output in the following ways:

       ·      Padding is suppressed and columns are separated with a comma.

       ·      Numeric  properties  are  always represented in decimal, without

       ·      Text properties are always quoted.

       ·      Memory and IO rate properties are always given in bytes.

       ·      With --poll, only the first line contains column headings.

       Timestamps are text properties, and the  usual  argument  rules  apply.
       Time  intervals  are numeric properties are always displayed as a count
       of seconds.

       The intent is that the output can easily be  imported  into  a  spread‐

       The  --sort  option specifies the properties which control the order in
       which processes are displayed,  separate  by  spaces  or  commas.   The
       available properties are listed above in FORMATTING.

       If  more  than  one property is specified the second and subsequent are
       only considered when ordering processes which cannot  be  distinguished
       by the first (and so on).

       Each  property  name  may  be prefix with + to specify descending order
       (the default) and - to specify ascending order.

       If no ordering option is specified then processes  are  listed  in  the
       order chosen by the kernel.

       On  startup defaults are read from the file $HOME/.npsrc, if it exists.
       Each line has a KEY=VALUE format, with  ps  recognizing  the  following

              The default format.

              The format to use if -f is specified.

              The format to use if -l is specified.

       All three use NPS syntax (see FORMATTING above).

              The  maximum  line  length.   If  COLUMNS is not set then window
              width is used when writing to  a  terminal,  and  no  truncation
              takes place when writing to any other kind of output.

       The meaning of flags is not very clear.

       Intended  to  follow  SUS  v4.   The  SUS syntax for headings is rather
       inflexible, hence NPS syntax everywhere that isn't defined by SUS.

       CSV output follows RFC 4180.

       Richard Kettlewell <>
